As we know that Realme Series 10 devices are launching very soon, It is expected that Realme will be releasing three devices. We have been receiving multiple leaks regarding the device for the past few weeks and finally, the Indian variant color options for Realme 10 series have leaked. The three devices that are going to launch in India are Realme 10, Realme 10 Pro, and Realme 10 Pro+. As confirmed earlier by Realme itself, the Realme 10 4G will have two storage and color variants, Realme 10 Pro is also hinted to have two storage and color variants, whereas Realme 10 Pro+ will be coming in India with three storage and color variants. The series will be launching in China on 17 November.
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Realme 10 4G :-
The Realme 10 4G will be having two storage variants 4GB RAM + 64GB ROM option and 4GB RAM + 128GB ROM storage option, since the color variants were already revealed by Realme, we know that there will be two color options - Rush Black and Clash White.
Realme 10 Pro :-
The Realme 10 Pro will be having two storage variants as well, 6GB RAM + 128GB ROM and 8GB RAM + 128GB ROM. Also, the device is tipped to get two color variants - Nebula Blue and HyperSpace.
Realme 10 Pro+ :-
Finally, the third and last smartphone in the series, the Realme 10 Pro+ is tipped to have three storage variants, 6 GB RAM + 128 GB ROM variant, 8 GB RAM + 128 GB ROM variant, and lastly 8 GB RAM and 256 GB ROM option. There will be three color options as well - Nebula Blue, HyperSpace and Dark Matter.
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