As tweeted by Motorola India on their Twitter handle, the Moto G51 5G will be launching on 10th of December in India. The phone will be available for sale on Flipkart. Last month Motorola released Moto G51 5G along with two other devices in Europe. However only Moto G31 was launched in India, rest of the devices are yet to be launched. According to leaks, Motorola is also planning to launch yet another device called Moto G200 in December, which will be powered by the flagship Snapdragon 888 Plus SoC (system on a chip). Although the exact details are unclear as of now.
Now lets talk about the Moto G51 5G, its expected specs, features and Indian pricing. As mentioned on the tweet by Motorola India, Moto G51 5G will be having 5G support of 12 global bands. The phone is said to be available in two colors - Golden and Blue. Since the device was launched last month in Europe we can expect to have the same specs and pricing from Motorola, along with some minor tweaks.
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Processor : First of all lets talk about what's in the heart of the device, Moto G51 5G will be powered by the Snapdragon 480 Plus SoC (system on a chip), which is technically advanced & overclocked version of Snapdragon 480. The 480 plus comes with a 2.2GHz of clock speed.
Screen : Now lets talk about the front, so we have a 6.8 inch FHD+ 120Hz refresh rate LCD panel with a touch sampling rate of 240Hz. The display has a hole-punch cutout for the front camera and has a 20:9 aspect ratio.
Camera's : Now lets talk about optics, we have a triple camera setup on the back, housing a primary 50 MP S5JKN1 sensor, along with an 8 MP Ultra-wide sensor and a 2 MP Macro camera as well. Talking about the front, we have a 16 MP sensor for taking selfies and attending video calls, which is present inside the hole punch cutout.
Battery : Moto G51 5G houses a 5000 mAh battery with a charging speed of 10W via a USB Type-C port. The estimated battery life as claimed by Moto is of 30+ hours.
Connectivity : As expected the device has 12 bands of 5G support, along with Bluetooth 5.2, Wi-Fi 5, GPS, 3.5mm headphone jack and a USB Type-C port. Moto G51 5G also has a fingerprint sensor on the backside of the phone.
MOTO G51 : Indian Price
In Europe the Moto G51 5G was launched at EUR 229.9 which converts to ₹19,300. The Chinese pricing of the device is CNY 1,499 which again converts to ₹17,500 so we can expect Moto to keep the Indian Pricing under 20k or 19,999.
Conclusion :-
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