[News] A very good news for all the Android users

Here's an important announcement for all the Android users that recently Google had launched a Tips & tricks website for all the android users.

As we all know that Android is the most famous and lovable operating system so Google had thought to give users most of it by solving all their issues and problems using its new website.
 The wesbite gives all the informations about Google's smartphones, wearables, TVs and tablets.
This website will also save your time from searching different websites for your specific problems as it will provide every information, peoblems with its solution that every android user needs. This website is very helpfull for both newbies and specially professionals.

       Google launched Android Tips and Tricks website

Android.com includes a tips and tricks section which divided in it having all the tips and tricks from the core's of android operating system. Also there are tutorials already given for Security, Photo, Voice, Customization, Battery, Apps and Settings, a total of fifty three tips & tricks among them amd many more interesting stuffs about android and its advantages.

This website will also give you information on how to protect ur location settings, how to track, locate and remotely control your device in case of being stolen or theft and also how to backup and keep copies of your private documents, files, apps, videos and photos in the google's clould server.
So this website includes everything a android user needs and also you can read a full article by clicking on read more button and the best part is that the tutorials are already given so now you need to worry about the problems tips and trips regarding your Android just visit the website and stay connected and updated with the world of Android.

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  2. This is great, but I think we need more tips for techy guys

    1. Yes, but its jst the begining there's more to come in the future.....
